
this is cbn

Creative Business Network events

To strengthen and educate our community, spread experiences, tighten the communication between start-ups, national partners, current and future partners and most importantly create a place where creative discourse is possible, we are constantly producing webinars and online learning sessions. Participants will benefit from interesting inside views from changing co-hosts and guests as well as from the experience and knowledge of the others.
We care about many things – all the things that are important – and that’s why you will find broad variation in our webinar catalogue. If you feel like something is missing, if you have a great idea, or if you want to get involved, never hesitate to reach out to to us. If it’s related to the cultural and creative industries, we are all ears, at all times.

CBN events

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This is the place where a unique tribe of innovative disruptors, creatives, entrepreneurs, and business experts meet.

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