Classic Blue Is The New Hue


December 11, 2019
Lyzanette Padua

2019 flew by rather swiftly. The heat of summer was consigned to oblivion and December is here already. As reported by Fast Company, Pantone announced the Color Of The Year for 2020 – and it has a much more carefree vibe. Its shade is associated with denim blue jeans, fresh blueberries, and the ether at twilight. The newest hue to fawn over is none other than Classic Blue, and yes, this does mean channeling and rocking a denim-on-denim ensemble is now more admissible than ever before.

While the phrase “feeling blue” often insinuates despair and gloom, Pantone’s Classic Blue has a much more uplifting energy. It’s tranquil and comforting, authentic and beautiful, and perfectly the vibe this world needs to outset the new decade on the right foot. According to Fast Company, ‘’It’s what the color forecasters at Pantone have deemed to be a comforting, timeless color for a time of change. And since it’s the sky, it’s also a color of blue everyone sees everywhere around the world—a universal color that transcends global cultures.’’

Pantone shared the backstory of the new hue to fawn over. “PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue, a timeless and enduring blue hue elegant in its simplicity,” Pantene stated. “Suggestive of the sky at dusk, the reassuring qualities of Classic Blue offer the promise of protection; highlighting our desire for a dependable and stable foundation from which to build.”  After a frantic end to the decade, the positive relaxing energy is just what people desire to efface 2019 from their mind and focus on making year 2020 count.


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