Meet the finalists for Arla Food Innovation Challenge

Six finalists have been selected for the Arla Food Innovation Challenge. Read about them here.

November 18, 2015
CBN Team

Arla Food is a global dairy company owned by European dairy farmers that sells products to consumers around the world. Arla’s vision is to create the future of dairy to bring health and inspiration to the world naturally. The Arla Food Innovation Challenge is a challenge of minds, not a competition among products, and focuses on sustainability, culture, and technology. The approach is human-centered and they are looking for the next competitive and innovative idea that will make our world a better place to eat – rather than the next flavour in yoghurts. Meet the seven finalists for the challenge.

Buono Vending (Italy)
Buono Vending systems allow artisanal ice cream makers, dairy producers, and new entrepreneurs to sell freshly made products in new locations, 24 hours a day. They will be able to multiply their selling points with limited investments, and to reach and interact with their own customers in an innovative and original way.

Buono Vending

Cirkularium – Food Loop (Denmark)
Cirkularium – Food Loop is an educational learning laboratory for circular processes in urban environments. It aims to challenge consumers’ relationship to food and redefine the concept of waste. It is an open ecosystem/symbiosis center, where visitors can learn about the advantages of sustainable waste management through workshops and events.

Cirkularium – Food Loop

microGUT (Luxembourg)
microGUT is a state of the art model of the human gastrointestinal tract that allows food companies to test their healthy and nutritional products. A patent pending solution biomimetic gut, which for the first time allows personalized evaluation of your diet and diet driven changes in your gut flora that may be essential for maintaining your health.


Miss Can (Portugal)
More than canned food, Miss Can is a great Portuguese experience, combining tradition, culture and gastronomy packed in a fresh and cool image. “From Portugal with Love” consists of a high quality selection of canned fish produced by artisan process revealing what Portugal has best to offer.

Miss Can

Narrate, Liquid Culture (Italy)
Narrate, Liquid Culture is a food design product, made up of a booklet tied to a teabag, which is written to be read in the right fusion time. For the consumer, it is a perfect excuse to “waste” time and create value. Business wise, it is a great instrument of corporate storytelling, which makes sure to keep the consumer’s attention for five long minutes.


Scan’Buy (Denmark)
Scan’Buy is a concept design of a minimum viable product for supermarkets, which consists of a combination of new technologies: mobile application connected with the principle of a self-service checkout, where customers are able to do their shopping using mobile device and earn reward points for buying eco and almost expired products. The aim is to attract people to buy quality food or food that otherwise would be thrown away.


Arla Food Innovation Challenge
The Arla Food Innovation Challenge is a challenge of minds, not a competition among products. Our minds are set on open innovation and cocreation – we don’t know about yours – surprise us!

Arla Food Innovation Challenge


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