Jessica Fuller (Moderator)

Jessica Fuller (Moderator)

Creative Industries Programme Manager, Atlantic Region of Innovation, Western Development Commission

Responsible for leading and delivering the CCSI cluster ambition in the Atlantic Region over the next five years. Led out on models to engage diverse entities across the CCSI and other industries to drive productive industry opportunity, enterprise development and job creation. A dynamic leader, with +25 years track record in senior management driving successful development and tangible impact in all spheres of the quadruple helix including Industry, Higher Education, Community and Government. Extensive experience working on a multi-lateral basis with government departments, state and EU agencies, tertiary education, regulatory bodies and private industry, and comprehensive knowledge of national and European policies, strategies and regulatory resource frameworks. Founder director of two creative enterprises, with direct experience of the complexities of establishing, operating and scaling self-sustaining creative enterprises with a global market focus. Diploma in Corporate Governance (UCD Smurfit) and a Masters in Cultural Policy (UDC). Regular contributor to public institutions policy and strategy debates/papers.