GIGI bloks going global

Having kids express their imagination through playing, sound like a great idea - and it is! Just ask the founder of GIGI bloks

March 19, 2015
CBN Team

In 2014 Ilona Viluma participated in Creative Business Cup with the business concept GIGI bloks and things have increased rapidly since

It hasn’t even been 6 months since GIGI bloks was presented and showcased to the jury at Creative Business Cup, and already the business concept seems to be rapidly accelerating. Today GIGI bloks is exporting toys to 16 countries and according to founder Ilona Viluma the US is next in line.
When asked about the fast growing business Ilona replies “The challenge is to keep up with the speed!”.

Going global

Participating in Creative Business Cup has had a great impact on GIGI bloks business approach. According to Ilona the experience of participating in Creative Business Cup, helped them to change and navigate their business concept in a more global direction. As a final comment on Creative Business Cup Ilona remarks “This is a ‘must have’ competition for all new ideas fitting within the Creative Business Cup concept.

So, what does the future of GIGI bloks look like? According to Ilona Viluma the goal is to keep strengthening GIGI bloks position in Europe. “This is the year to spread awareness of GIGI bloks and create a strong network”.

Part of Design Manifestation

The reasons why GIGI bloks are so busy, might have something to do with the fact that they have chosen to be a part of a government project, in their home country Latvia. The project “Design Manifestation” is about demonstrating great achievements of Latvian design recognised internationally in the last 15 years. You can read more about „Design Manifestation”.

What is GIGI bloks?

GIGI bloks is a unique toy made of eco-friendly cardboard, consisting of oversized building blocks. They stand out in a colourful assortment of toys and invite children to engage in creative thinking and express their imagination through play.
Read more about GIGI bloks  

Other unique creative startups

You can find inspiration in other Creative Business Cup startups here


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